Increase Participation and Reduce the Cost of Care

Nsight identifies, enrolls, and keeps members adherent to improve outcomes and reduce the cost of care. 

10% improvement in stage 2 hypertension within 3 months

Nsight has shown quality improvement through reductions in all-cause hospitalizations and an average decrease in hospital length of stay.

Empowering patients to drive powerful change beyond the confines of a physician's office.

Identify Patients & Enrich Data

Identify at-risk members by evaluating and enriching data sets leveraging a Nationwide database of historical longitudinal medical encounters. Focus on members likely to be hospitalized.

Strategically Enroll & Onboard

Enroll and onboard 60% or more eligible members by leveraging our Nationwide provider partner program. Providers allow Nsight to white label their practices to improve outreach by providing PMPM incentives and remote care FFS optionality.

Complete Assessments & Collect Data

Conduct preventative assessments and collect ongoing biometrics including heart rate, blood sugar, oxygen levels, weight or medication adherence from 80% or more of members monthly.

Improve Outcomes & Reduce Cost

Combining enriched datasets, along with AI/ML modeling of collected assessments and biometrics via high enrollment and adherence rates, ensure strategic closure of care gaps and timely intervention prior to hospitalization.

Equitable Care with Nsight

Join our mission to positively impact millions.